Next Lectures & Conferences
VOLUME III-IV (1975-1976)
Proceedings of the "Second World Sanskrit Conference" (Torino, 9-15 June 1975)


Author Title
ALBERTO CESARE AMBESI Teorie reincarnazionistiche e fonti sanscrite
GIULIANO BONFANTE Irànico e Indo-ario
G. M. BONGARD-LEVIN New sanskrit and prakrit texts from Central Asia
OSCAR BOTTO L'intervento dello Stato nell'economia pubblica e privata dell'India antica
JOHN BROUGH Poetry in classical Sanskrit
JOHN BROUGH Some aspects of Chinese-Sanskrit Buddhist Lexicography
HÉLÈNE BRUNNER Importance de la littérature āgamique pour l'étude des religions vivantes de l'Inde
COLETTE CAILLAT Expressions de la quête spirituelle dans le Dohāpāhuḍa (Anthologie jaina en apabhraṃśa), et dans quelques testes brahmaniques
SUNITI KUMAR CHATTERJI Saṃskṛta-dig-vijaya (The World-Conquest of Sanskrit)
GIULIO COGNI Un raro testo buddista: il Manicūḍāvadāna
LEON CYBORAN I. Philosophical Sanskrit ; II. Sanskrit in philosophy departments
R.N. DANDEKAR The Beginnings of Vaiṣṇavism
CARLO DELLA CASA Ahiṃsā: significato e ambito originari della non violenza
MARIASUSAI DHAVAMONY Yāmuna's Catusślokī: an analysis and interpretation
R.E. EMMERICK Ravigupta's place in Indian medical tradition
A.M. ESNOUL Padmatantra
G. FERRARI Computer-aided lexicography and Sanskrit language
GIAN GIUSEPPE FILIPPI La nozione di līlā nel medioevo indiano
JEAN FILLIOZAT L'Inde et le sciences humaines modernes
JEAN FILLIOZAT La médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde
GIORGIO RENATO FRANCI Śrī Aravinda (Aurobindo) interprete della cultura indiana più antica
MILKA JAUK-PINHAK Esquisse d'une formation des nomes de la langue védique (modèles productifs de la dérivation primaire)
OLIVIER LACOMBE Le sanskrit et la philisophie de l'être
CHARLES MALAMOUD Convergence d'un raisonnement mīmāṃsaka et d'un motif poétique de l'Atharvasaṃhitā
Z. MATIŠIĆ The title Tantrākhyāyika as opposed to the title Pañcatantra
HARI MOHAN MISHRA A reappraisal of Pāṇini
WOLFGANG MORGENROTH Albrecht Friedrich Weber - A pioneer of Indology
ANGELO MORRETTA Sanskrit and the sacred language
JEAN NAUDOU L'analyse de l'entité psychosomatique en corps-parole-pensée dans le Bouddhisme indien tardif
ASKO PARPOLA Sanskrit kālā- «time», Dravidian kāl «leg» and the mythical cow of the four yugas
STEFANO PIANO Note in margine al Viṣṇu-māhātmya
MARIO PIANTELLI Attention and communication: some observations on the contribution of Śaṅkara to the lexicon of Sanskrit as a metalanguage in Taittirīyopaniṣadbhāṣya 2,1,1
TADEUSZ POBOZNIAK Sanskrit and the Romani language
GUSTAV ROTH Observations on the first chapter af Asaṅga's Bodhisattvabhūmi
RANAJIT SARKAR The poetical transmutation of some philosophical concepts in Kumārasambhava
SATYA VRAT SHASTRI The Kumārasambhavacampū. A study
SATYA VRAT SHASTRI Sanskrit synonyms
LUDWIK STERNBACH Subhāṣita-saṃgraha-s and inscriptions as sources of Sanskrit Poetry
CSABA TÖTTÖSSY The participium absolutum in the Sanskrit, Greek and Latin
ALEX WAYMAN The significance of mantras, from the Veda down to Buddhist tantric practice

Copyright© Edizioni A.I.T. per la Promozione degli Studi sull'India e sul Sud-Est Asiatico - Torino (Italy) ---- ISSN 1023-3881 - autorizzazione del Tribunale di Torino n.4703 - 21/07/1994