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FRANÇOIS CHENET Le YOGAVĀSIṢṬHA au risque du "MOKṢOPĀYA PROJECT". réflexions sur les  orientations de la recherche actuelle: à propos d'une publication récente
CHRISTOPH EMMRICH "All the king's horses, and all the king's men": the 2004 red matsyendranātha incident in Lalitpur
ANNA FILIGENZI From Saidu Sharif to Miran
PIERRE-SYLVAIN FILLIOZAT La gloire des princes dans l’épigraphie sanskrite au karnāṭaka
ANANDA W.P. GURUGE The Buddha's contribution to humanity and world peace
MINORU HARA Hindu concept of shame - sanskrit lajjā, vrīḍā, hrī -
OSKAR VON HINÜBER Heinz Bechert (1932-2005) - Obituary -
LEONID KULIKOV Skt. vṛdh ‘hurt, damage, cut’
DANIELA ROSSELLA Il Rathāngadūta: un nuovo esempio dei "poemi del messaggio"
MATHEW VARGHESE Buddhist view on economic freedom: a reevaluation based on the mādhyamika dialectics
JOEL BRERETON Report on the thirteenth world sanskrit conference
AA.VV. Reviews

Copyright© Edizioni A.I.T. per la Promozione degli Studi sull'India e sul Sud-Est Asiatico - Torino (Italy) ---- ISSN 1023-3881 - autorizzazione del Tribunale di Torino n.4703 - 21/07/1994