- 1984 - n. 10
- 1982/83 - n. 8-9
- 1981 - n. 7
- 1980 - n. 6
- 1979 - n. 5
- 1977/78 - n. 3-4
- 1976 - n. 2
- 1975 - n. 1
1984 - X
HEINZ BECHERT, The Date Of The Buddha Reconsidered
PER-ARNE BERGLIE, When the Corpses Rise: Some Tibetan Ro langs Stories
H.W. BODEWITZ, The waters In Vedic cosmic classifications
G.M. BONGARD-LEVIN, New Indian Texts from Central Asia
JOHN BROUGH, Amitabha and Avalokitesvara in an inscribed Gandharan sculpture
R.N.DANDEKAR, Some Aspects of Vedic Exegesis
CARL GUSTAV DIEHL, The Passage III, 3.2.21-33 in Bhavisya-Purana
E. GEROW, What is Karma (Kim karmeti? An Exercise in Philosophical Semantics
ROBERT P. GOLDMAN, Matricide, Renunciation, and Compensation In the Legends of Two Warrior-Heroes of the Sanskrit Epics
O.V. HINUBER, Pali as an artificial language
SIEGFRIED LIENHARD, Cow-Dust and Sun-Dust: Remarks on Skt. godhuli and skt. gorajas
REKHA MORRIS, The Early Sculptures from Sarnath
GERHARD OBERHAMMER, Die Transzendentale Struktur der Welt-Verfallenheit bei Paksilasvamin
YUTAKA OJIHARA, Quelques remarques sur le texte sanskrit du Dharma-Samuccaya (éd. Lin Li-Kouang), 1re partie: Chapitres I-V (Paris, '46)
E. PAULY, Hans Jorgensen: a Pioneer in Nevari Studies
R.K. SHARMA, Siddhis in the Yogasutras and Saundarya Lahari
GEORG VON SIMSON, Die buddhistische Erzahlung von Udrayana von Roruka und ihr mythologischer Hintergrund
W.L. SMITH, Mahiravana and the Womb Demon
L. STERNBACH, Two Law-tales from the Kathasaritsagara (Summary)
C. SUNESON, The Kamasandesa - A Contribution to the Religious Geography of South India
S. PIANO, Fonti puraniche nel pensiero religioso dei maestri del Sikhismo
MARIE-CLAUDE PORCHER, Categories linguistiques et categories esthetiques dans la theorie du dhvani: A propos de la relation entre figure et suggestion
K.V. SARMA, Manuscriptology and Textual Criticism in Medieval India
1982/83 - VIII-IX
K.M. AGRAWAL, Prostitutes in the Mrcchakatika of Sudraka
N. ALTUCHOW, Herasim Lebedeff(1749-1817)
ANUKUL CHANDRA BANERJEE, Buddhism. Its religious background
BISWANATH BANERJEE, Modern Sanskrit dramas of Bengal
KAMALESWAR BHATTACHARYA, The grammatical basis of Nagarjuna's arguments - Some further considerations
G.M. BONGARD-LEVIN, A new fragment of the Sanskrit «Sumukhadharani» and its Saka version
H. BRUNNER, Le Saiva-Siddhanta, «essence» du Veda (Etude d'un fragment du Kamikagama)
M. CHRISTOPHER BYRSKI, Is there a Sanskrit word for pumice?
C. CAILLAT, Notes sur les variantes dans la tradition du Dasaveyaliya-sutta
GORDON C. CHISHOLM, The Education of the Hero as depicted in Sanskrit Fiction
C. CONIO, The problem of continuum and discontinuum in the cosmogony of Svacchandatanta XI, 1-9
SADASHIV AMBADAS DANGE, Religious Suicide in the Vedic Period (?)
G.V. DEVASTHALI, Pre-fixation Fermentation of the (Rgveda) Krama-Patha
M.K. DHAVALIKAR, Antiquity of Ganesa. The numismatic evidence
M. D'ONZA CHIODO - E. PANATTONI, Kudda-rajan and allied terms: a set of Dravidian loan-words in PaliTitolo
G.R. FRANCI, Indology as Maieutics - Some Indian Contributions to a New Image of Man
A.J. GAIL, Ayudhapurusa - Die anthropomorphen Waffen Visnus in Literatur und Kunst
LALLANJI GOPAL, Buddhaghosa on Araghatta
ALF HILTEBEITEL, Sita Vibhusita: the Jewels for Her Journey
PADMANABH S. JAINI, Svatantravacanamrta of Kanakasena
A.N. JANI, Interpolations in the Hatayogapradipika
S.G. KANTAWALA, Two Legends from the Purana: a Study in Upabrmhana
K. KRISHNAMOORTH, The Nature of Creative Pratibha according to Kuntaka
D. MAGGI, Why is Rajas Upastambhaka- in the Sakhyakarika?
E.P. MATEN, In Quest of the Original Pancatantra. A Methodological Discussion
V.V. MIRASHI, The Date of the Mrcchakatika
H. MODE, The Four Quadrupeds - Reflections on Indian Animal Preference
W. MORGENROTH, Glossen in der Chandogya-Upanishad
BAREND A. VAN NOOTEN, The Ramopakhyana and the Ramayana
A. PEZZALI, Bodhisattva et Prajnaparamita, l'essence du Madhyamaka
M. PIANTELLI, The conception of the two Drsti-s in Sankara's Brhadaranyakopanisadbhasya I, 4, 10
S.S. PRASAD, The Bhagavata and the Dharmasastras
B.N. PURI, The Rashtrakutas and their Northern Contemporaries
A.M. SAMOZVANTSEV, Arthasastra and Dharmasastra - Two traditions
H.D. SANKALIA, The Ramayana Age
K.V. SARMA, Some Lessons from Valmiki Ramayana
M. SCHETELICH, Zu den Anfängen altindischer Staat-lehre
I.D. SEREBRYAKOV, A few thoughts on Ksemendra's Narmamala
B.N. SHARMA, An iconographical Survey of Hindu Deities in Nepal
MUKUNDA MADHAVA SHARMA, On an extract from the Abhinavabharati
R.S. SHARMA, Trends in the Economic History of Mathura (c. 300 B.C. - A.D. 300)
JAY PRAKASH SINGH, On the Shape of Ahom Coins
J.P. SINHA, Prastavaratnakara: an unpublished anthology by Haridasa
D.C. SIRCAR, Some problems of textual study
R. MORTON SMITH, On the Development of the Tristubh
UPENDRA THAKUR, Indian monks in Vietnam and Vietnamese monks in India
J. TILAKASIRI, The images of wit and humour in Kalidasa's and Sudraka's dramas
P.M. UPADHYE, Urvai's Character - A new approach of study
E. WALDSCHMIDT, The Buddha not a magician - Fragment from the Patalakasutra of the Madhyamagama
1981 - VII
PENTTI AALTO, On the absolute instrumental in Sanskrit
GEORGE T. ARTOLA, Acting coaches in the Sanskrit theatre
PURNA HARSHA BAJRACHARYA, Than Bahil, an ancient centre for Sanskrit study
M.D. BALASUBRAHMANYAM, Ase-words in Oanini and the Veda
A. BAREAU, Ayodhya et Mithila dans les textes cononiques du Bouddhisme ancien
H. BECHERT, On the i>Nitisastraviniscaya, a Subhasitasamgraha from Sri Lanka
P.L. BHARGAVA, Names and Epithets of Krsna in the Bhagavadgita
G.K. BHAT, A note on Sataka-kavya
M. BIARDEAU, Sakuntala dans l'épopée
SH. BIRA, O. SUKHBAATAR, On the Tibetan and Mongolian translations of Sankrit grammatical works
J.L. BROCKINGTON, Valmiki's proverbs
T. BORROW, On the treatment of the Indo-European consonant group -tl- in Sanskrit
LOKESH CHANDRA, The Indonesian sanctuary of Chandi Sewu as a stereomorphic Vajradhatu Mandala
L.A. VAN DAALEN, A note on vidhuma or sadhuma iva pavakah at Ramayana 1, 54, 28 and 1, 55, 19
J. DUNCAN, M. DERRETT, Adattadanam: valuable Buddhist casuistry
C.G. DIEHL, Matan-ma as sadhana in Bhakti - Notes on the Vaishnava poetess Antal of Srivilliputtur
A. ESTELLER, The udatta as key-stone of the deciphering code for the Rgveda-Samhita
J. FILLIOZAT, Les littératures sanskrite et tamoule dans la culture indienne
OSKAR VON HINÜBER, Über drei Begriffe der buddhistischen Rechtssprache: issaravata, gita und bhandadeyya
J.W. DE JONG, The Sanskrit text of the Saddantavadana
V.I. KALYANOV, On Krsna's diplomatics in the Mahabharata
S. LIENHARD, The making of a poet
H.G. NARAHARI, An Old Misunderstood Maxim
K.R. NORMAN, Dhammapada 97: a misunderstood paradox
YUTAKA OJIHARA, Qu'on ne confonde pas un varttika avec un sutra!
V.C. PANDEY, Some corroborative evidences from the Arthasastra of Kautilya
LUDO ROCHER, Caritram pustakarane
RANAJIT SARKAR, Town and Country: the Image of Exile in Meghaduta
G. SCALABRINO BORSANI, The universalism of Ram Mohan Roy
H. SCHARFE, Kautalya on Conflicts within the Ruling Class
A. WAYMAN, Similes for the four Elements from Buddhist Literature
1980 - VI
M.D. BALASUBRAHMANYAM, The Summit tone of a Vedic word
F. BALDISSERA, Note on the bhana-Saradatilaka
KAMALESWAR BHATTACHARYA, Recherches sur le Navya-nyaya: bilan et perspectives
SH. BIRA, Dandin's «Kavyadarsa» in Tibet and Mongolia
J.L. BROCKINGTON, Sanskrit Epic Tradition - I. Epic and Epitome (Ramayana and Ramopa-khyana)
LOKESH CHANDRA, Sanskrit Studies in Classical Indonesia
G. COGNI, The unitary interpretation of the world through Yoga and Vedanta and Parapsychology
CARL GUSTAV DIEHL, The Simile of Murukan
G.G. FILIPPI, Des composants culturels dans le Granthavali de Kabir
P. FILLIOZAT, L'ècole moderne des Vaiyakarana du Maharastra
ADALBERT J. GAIL, Parasurama brahmin and warrior
MISLAV JEZIC, Some thoughts comparing rgvedic and hellenic myths
P. KWELLA, Some Remarks on the Style of some Buddhist Sanskrit Texts
S. LIENHARD, On the meaning and use of the word indragopa
RAMARANJAN MUKHERJI, Indian Approach to the Problem of the Sublime
S.R.N. MURTHY, Varahamihira'scontribution to the vedic theory of the heart
YUTAKA OJIHARA, Sur une formule patanjalienne: «na cedanim acaryah sutrani krtva nivartayanti»
A. PADOUX, Some suggestions on research into mantra
M. PIANTELLI, Sankara's treatment of sabdaprabhavatva in Brahmasutrabhasya I, 3, 28 and the problem of a nexus between the so-called Sabdabrahman and sphota. Some considerations
T. POBOZNIAK, Mrcchakatika as a drama of individual characters
ARION ROSU, Études Ayurvediques - I. Le trivarga dans l'Ayurveda
RANAJIT SARKAR, «Night» and «Day» in Kumarasambhava: an investigation into the suggestive meaning
HERAMBA CHATTERJEE SASTRI, Some new lights on the commentaries of the Dayabhaga of Jimutavahana
SATYAVRAT SHASTRI, Putresti in the Ramayana: was it really necessary
USHA SATYAVRAT, Twentieth Century Sanskrit Drama: some new trends and tendencies
B.G. SIDHARTH, Glimpses of the amazing astronomy of the Rig-Veda
REKHA SINHA, The Education system in Upanisadic Age
L. STERNBACH, Some surprises from Subhasita-samgraha-s
B. STOLER MILLER, Poet, actors and Audience in Classical Indian Drama
J. TILAKASIRI, Religious elements in Sanskrit poetic technique
F. WILHELM, L'ordre des castes selon quelques traités sanskrits
S. ZIMMER, La notion de l'appartenance dans la langue du Rgveda
1979 - V
G.K. BHAT, Bhāvakatva-vyāpāra or affective process in poetic writing
M. BIARDEAU, Mythe èpique et hindouisme d'aujourd'hui
J.L. BROCKINGTON, Rāmo dharmabhṛtāṃ varaḥ
M. D'ONZA CHIODO - E. PANATTONI, Pāli aṭṭa: ipotesi di un'influenza dravidica su una controversa etimologia
J. GONDA, Vedic cosmogony and viṣṇuie bhakti
S. LIENARD, Summer poems in Sanskrit and Prākrit
J.R. MARR, Praise-poetry and street-pubblications in Tamil
V. PISANI, L'inno X 95 del Rigveda e un mito indo-greco
D. SCHLINGLOFF, König Prabhāsa und der Elefant
SATYAVRAT SHASTRI, Sanskrit in Thailand
R. MORTON SMITH, Addendum to the Early Heresies (Indo. Taur. vol. II)
G. SPERA, Some notes on Prayāga-māhātmya
G. SPERA, Some notes on Prayāga-māhātmya
L. STERNBACH, On the influence of Sanskrit gnomic literature on the gnomic literature of old Java and Bali
1977-1978 - III-IV
ALBERTO CESARE AMBESI, Teorie reincarnazionistiche e fonti sanscrite
GIULIANO BONFANTE, Irànico e Indo-ario
G. M. BONGARD-LEVIN, New sanskrit and prakrit texts from Central Asia
OSCAR BOTTO, L'intervento dello Stato nell'economia pubblica e privata dell'India antica
JOHN BROUGH, indologica/volumes/vol03-04/vol03-04_art05_Brough.pdf
JOHN BROUGH, Some aspects of Chinese-Sanskrit Buddhist Lexicography
HÉLÈNE BRUNNER, Importance de la littérature āgamique pour l'étude des religions vivantes de l'Inde
COLETTE CAILLAT, Expressions de la quête spirituelle dans le Dohāpāhuḍa (Anthologie jaina en apabhraṃśa), et dans quelques testes brahmaniques
SUNITI KUMAR CHATTERJI, Saṃskṛta-dig-vijaya (The World-Conquest of Sanskrit)
GIULIO COGNI, Un raro testo buddista: il Manicūḍāvadāna
LEON CYBORAN, I. Philosophical Sanskrit ; II. Sanskrit in philosophy departments
R.N. DANDEKAR, The Beginnings of Vaiṣṇavism
CARLO DELLA CASA, Ahiṃsā: significato e ambito originari della non violenza
MARIASUSAI DHAVAMONY, Yāmuna's Catusślokī: an analysis and interpretation
R.E. EMMERICK, Ravigupta's place in Indian medical tradition
G. FERRARI, Computer-aided lexicography and Sanskrit language
GIAN GIUSEPPE FILIPPI, La nozione di līlā nel medioevo indiano
JEAN FILLIOZAT, L'Inde et le sciences humaines modernes
JEAN FILLIOZAT, La médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde
GIORGIO RENATO FRANCI, Śrī Aravinda (Aurobindo) interprete della cultura indiana più antica
MILKA JAUK-PINHAK, Esquisse d'une formation des nomes de la langue védique (modèles productifs de la dérivation primaire)
CHARLES MALAMOUD, Convergence d'un raisonnement mīmāṃsaka et d'un motif poétique de l'Atharvasaṃhitā
Z. MATIŠIĆ, The title Tantrākhyāyika as opposed to the title Pañcatantra
HARI MOHAN MISHRA, A reappraisal of Pāṇini
WOLFGANG MORGENROTH, Albrecht Friedrich Weber - A pioneer of Indology
ANGELO MORRETTA, Sanskrit and the sacred language
JEAN NAUDOU, L'analyse de l'entité psychosomatique en corps-parole-pensée dans le Bouddhisme indien tardif
ASKO PARPOLA, Sanskrit kālā- «time», Dravidian kāl «leg» and the mythical cow of the four yugas
STEFANO PIANO, Note in margine al Viṣṇu-māhātmya
MARIO PIANTELLI, Attention and communication: some observations on the contribution of Śaṅkara to the lexicon of Sanskrit as a metalanguage in Taittirīyopaniṣadbhāṣya 2,1,1
TADEUSZ POBOZNIAK, Sanskrit and the Romani language
GUSTAV ROTH, Observations on the first chapter af Asaṅga's Bodhisattvabhūmi
RANAJIT SARKAR, The poetical transmutation of some philosophical concepts in Kumārasambhava
SATYA VRAT SHASTRI, The i>Kumārasambhavacampū. A study
SATYA VRAT SHASTRI, Sanskrit synonyms
SATYA VRAT SHASTRI, Sanskrit usage
LUDWIK STERNBACH, Subhāṣita-saṃgraha-s and inscriptions as sources of Sanskrit Poetry
CSABA TÖTTÖSSY, The participium absolutum in the Sanskrit, Greek and Latin
ALEX WAYMAN, The significance of mantras, from the Veda down to Buddhist tantric practice
1976 - II
ANDRÉ BAREAU, Sur l'origine des piliers dits d'Aśoka, des Stūpa et des arbres sacrés du Bouddhisme primitif
Dr. P.L. BHARGAVA, The origin of the Nandas
KAMALESWAR BHATTACHARYA, A note on the term yoga in Nyāyabhāṣya and Nyāyavārttika on I, 1, 29
COLETTE CAILLAT, Sur les doctrines médicales dans le Tandulaveyāliya
J. ENSINK, Problems of the study of pilgrimage in India
S. S. JANAKI, Caturbhāṇī - Literary study
F.B.J. KUIPER, Ví dayate and vidátha-
SIEGFRIED LIENHARD, Plot Development in classical Indian Drama
R. MORTON SMITH, The early heresies in the development of Indian religion
EMANUELA PANATTONI, l Malabar nelle «Lettere sulle Indie Orientali» di Lazzaro Papi
STEFANO PIANO, Il «dolore» e la «separazione» nella poesia di Mahādevī
MARIO PIANTELLI, Kramamukti. A few notes
LUIGI SANTA MARIA, Le influenze indiane classiche nel mondo malese-indonesiano
LUDWIK STERNBACH, Revised supplement to O. Böhtlingk's - Indische Sprüche. Part. I - Verses 1 to 500
1975 - I
OSCAR BOTTO, Un moderno digesto di Rājanīti: l'Akṣayanītisudhākara di Nagjī Rām Śarmā
JOHN BROUGH, Problems of the «Soma-mushroom» theory
JEAN FILLIOZAT, La place des études tamoules dans l'Indologie
RANIERO GNOLI, Gli Āgama scivaiti nell'India settentrionale
LAXMAN PRASAD MISHRA, Note e riflessioni sui mistici Nirguṇa dell'India settentrionale
STEFANO PIANO, Arjan e Govind Siṅgh, maestri e riformatori del Sikhismo
G. BORSANI SCALABRINO, Note comparative sulla Kādambarī e la sua epitome di Abhinanda
DIETER SCHLINGLOFF, Prince Sudhana and the kinnarī (an indian love-story in Ajanta)
LUDWIK STERNBACH, Subhāṣita-saṃgraha-s, a forgotten chapter in the histories of Sanskrit literature
If you are interested in an hard copy of any issue or if you notice any mistake please contact info@asiainstitutetorino.it