Indologica Taurinensia , founded by Oscar Botto in 1973, is one of the most prestigious journals in the field of Indological studies. Since 1976 it is the Official Organ of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies, as it was selected by this renowned Institute on the occasion of the 30th International Congress of Human Sciences of Asia and Northern Africa (Mexico City, August 3rd-8th, 1976). Indologica Taurinensia has currently published 42 volumes, some of which collect the Proceedings of international conferences, such as the II World Sanskrit Conference (Torino, 1975) and the IX World Sanskrit Conference, organized in Torino by Cesmeo in cooperation with the IASS in 2000, with the participation of over 300 speakers coming from all over the world.
The last and final issue is n. 45 (2019).
The entire archive has been uploaded online and every article can be downloaded.
Vol. 45-41 Vol. 40-31 Vol. 30-21 Vol. 20-11 Vol. 10-1If you are interested in an hard copy of any issue or if you notice any mistake please contact
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